Video Library
A video library can be created for all CU Sites models. Once videos are tagged, users can use these tags to filter the videos.
IMPORTANT: There are three separate categories for which tags can be set. Tagging is not necessary; however, if it is desired you must first create the taxonomy.
NOTE: Once videos are added to the library, they can be pulled into a horizontal section on any Landing Page.
Add the videos for your library
NOTE: These videos will display in the library, they are not the same as adding contextual videos to a page.
From the top navigation menu, click on Shortcuts > Add Content > Video
Enter a title
The title appears:
- On the main library landing page
- On the individual video detail page
Upload an image thumbnail
Whatever image is uploaded appears on the main library landing page.
Enter a summary for the video
The summary appears on the main library landing page.
Find the video embed code, caption and transcript
NOTE: The embedded video appears on the individual video detail page, not the library landing page.
NOTE: YouTube recommends videos at the end of each video played. This can be very annoying if the videos are not related to your content. To disable recommended videos add ?rel=0 into the embed string.
Example YouTube embed code, which will display recommended videos:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Example YouTube embed code, which will NOT display recommended videos:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Delete extraneous text from YouTube embed code
IMPORTANT: As of mid-2022, YouTube has expanded its embed code so it no longer fits into the embed field if pasted directly. Pasting embed code directly from YouTube now corrupts your page!
For the embed code to fit into the field (and not corrupt your page), you must delete the extraneous information YouTube added into the code.
Here's what you do:
Example full embed code from YouTube:
- <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The bolded text needs to be deleted prior to pasting the code into the embed field. The revised embed code now becomes:
- <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This revised embed code fits without any issue into the embed field and you're good to go!
Use the content dropdown to create any additional content for the individual video detail page
If taxonomy terms have been created, tag the video accordingly
The terms created display:
- On the main library landing page
- On the individual video detail page
Create the Landing Page for your video library
From the Add Content menu option, select Landing Page. You will be given a variety of pre-formatted Landing pages, including Video Library. Just select Video Library, rename the page and save. You're done!
Create a video library with a pre-filtered listing of videos
Sometimes you want your library to only show one or more specific categories of videos and not the entire library.
Create a video library landing page
It's easiest to start by adding a pre-formatted video library page, as described above.
Edit the Views Display
When the Video Library landing page is created using the pre-formatted layout, the Views Display is by default to cu_video_library - Videos, sorted by title
Revise the Views Display option
Revise the Views Display option to cu_video_library, Videos, sorted by title (requires all OR CAT1_TermID,CAT1_TermID/CAT2_TermID/CAT3_TermID)
Enter your taxonomy terms IDs for the video category you want to display
NOTE: This step is easier in another browser window, since you need the above page accessible.
Click the Taxonomy menu option and scroll down to the video category containing the terms you want to filter your library.
Make a note of the Term IDs by which you want to pre-filter your library
In this example, there are two terms entered:
- Artists Series
- DIY Series
For this example, the video library must only display the Artist Series videos. As such, the Term ID is 243.
Enter the Term ID into the Arguments field in the Views Display
Go back to the landing page you are creating for your Video library and enter in the Term ID just found in the step above into the Arguments field.
You're done! Now this Video Landing page will only display the videos of the Term ID set.
Create a video pull from your library
Once videos are added to the video library, a horizontal pull of three videos can be added to any Landing Page
From and Landing Page, add a Views Display
Read about adding Views Displays
From the Views Display menu select the option of video display needed
Row of Three With Summaries (Requires TermID OR TermID + TermID)
- This option uses filters, entered above, to pull the videos displayed. Summaries are displayed.
Row of Three With Summaries
- This option pulls the three most recently entered videos. Summaries are displayed.
Row of Three
- This option pulls the three most recently entered videos. Summaries are not shown.
Row of Three (Requires TermID OR TermID + TermID)
- This option uses filters, entered above, to pull the videos displayed. Summaries are not shown.
NOTE: the image that appears in the pull is the one entered as the thumbnail, above